What If Expressing the Rage is the Overriding Priority?

This piece will be running as a newspaper op/ed the last weekend of May, 2024


It’s being said more and more widely: the fundamental choice we Americans will make in the 2024 election is between Democracy and Fascism.

That’s valid, if we look at it in terms of what kind of future will our nation have.

But in terms of a lot of those who will apparently be voting for Fascism, that may not be how they’re making their choice.

That is what a person — whose reflections on our times I respect – has argued.
For them, he said, the choice is between 1) people representing a system they feel has betrayed them and 2) another political force that’s working to burn down the “system” they hate.

A lot of people are choosing that “burn it down” option, he proposed, because of how bitterly disappointed they are about not getting the kind of life they’d grown up expecting.

Such disappointment might make sense, because no longer does each generation of Americans get better than what their parents had. And much of that failure to advance is the result of “the system” becoming one where big money can be seen calling the shots, robbing average Americans of their fair share of money and power.
The system they want to “burn down,” my friend said — i.e. our democratic and legal structures — is seen as abetting their victimization. And, in their anger they’ll throw their support to whatever leader (and party) best expresses their rage.

The rage might be understandable, I countered. But why would they give their political support to the very forces that had stacked the deck against them, the corporate Money Power and the political party – and the leader — that serve that Power?

Why wouldn’t they instead give their support to the only political party that makes any effort at all to make things fairer, and to improve the lives of the American people?

They are so oriented toward rage, he said, that the issue of factual, rational truth hardly matters. If the force that’s offering them rage and conflict gives them false targets to blame for the society’s corruption and their own unhappiness with their lot, they’ll buy it.

Expressing anger in the present is the priority, he continued. Not finding a way to make the future better.

Hence voting for the party offering conflict (so one can vent one’s rage), and rejecting the party calling for cooperation (so we can together make things better).

For them, he said, it’s “Truth be damned.” Their desire for revenge draws them to support a Republican Party that offers them false and demonizing pictures of the other side (“baby-killers” who “hate America”). In the grip of such passion, their abilities to see and think clearly get switched off.

When they vote for Trump and the Trump Party, he concluded, they’re not voting for “Fascism,” but for the political force that performs for them the service of transforming the political realm into one suitable for the venting of their rage and hatred.

Immediately, I saw that “supporting Fascism” and “expressing rage” weren’t so separate.

Hatred and rage have always been the main emotional energies of Fascism.

(The Nazis put forward the Jews as objects of hatred and rage. Putin has inflamed his people against alleged Nazis running Ukraine.

(In many fascistic local governments of the former Confederacy, the blacks were provided as targets for hatred and rage. When George Wallace lost an election because his campaign wasn’t racist enough, he vowed, “I’ll never be out-n—–ed again.”)

So voting for Trump and the Trump Party — because they so effectively turn our political world into a battleground – means also voting for the core fuel of Fascism.

It is profoundly telling that our religious traditions tell us that the path of hatreds, fears, and the rageful impulse to burn it down is the wrong path. The better path, those religious say, lies in overcoming those passions.

They tells us “Be not afraid” and “Love thine enemies” because those paths make the world better, while being ruled by fear and anger leads the world into destruction.

This picture corresponds to traditional understandings of the Good and the Evil.

Fascism shows some of the cleverness often attributed to “the Force of Evil”:

The same Force of Fascism first injures the people, and then uses the pain and rage it has inflicted to get the people to amplify the force of Fascism by supporting it in a war against some target that is not really the people’s enemy. Fascism exploits the brokenness people already have by feeding their dark passions to make them strong enough to control what people do in their participation in the realm of power.

Fascism is about “the problem of power,” as it consistently operates according to that dictum, “the strong do what they can while the weak suffer what they must.” Which makes the world broken. And Fascism’s alignment with brokenness is shown, too, in its reliance on deception to manipulate the people into lending their support to Fascism’s ceaseless drive for still more power.

Is it possible to get people now in the grip of such ugly passions to vote for what matters most, which is the preservation of America’s wholeness with its constitutional order?

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