Every week, starting in 2013, I have been publishing op/ed pieces in newspapers in my very red Congressional District (VA-06). In almost every instance, the audience I am most addressing are the conservatives among the newspapers’ readership. In particular, I am envisioning the conservatives with whom I had a long a fruitful relationship starting in the early 1990s, when we created constructive talk-radio conversations together.
That experience has given me an unusual opportunity to witness how, over time, the right-wing propagandists gradually poisoned their minds by telling them lies and by feeding their hatreds and fears. When I compose my weekly messages to them, I have in my mind the two goals: to bring them back to a better contact with reality, and to the better angels of their nature.
As far as I know, I am the only columnist of a liberal bent who regularly seeks to address the people on the other side of our badly — and deliberately — divided polity.
These are some of those ‘Messages to the Conservatives.’
- The Electoral College: All Costs, No Benefits
- Why We’re Better Than We Think We Are, Better Than We Look
- When “May You Live in Interesting Times” Isn’t Just a Curse
- The Well-Being of Women Requires Men to Keep it to Themselves
- Some Questions for Republicans
- How Kamala Can Best “Earn” the Nomination
- Democracy and the Market Economy: Two Social Evolutionary Breakthroughs
- What If We All Could Be the Best We Could Be?
- Certainties and Uncertainties in Predicting the 2024 Presidential Election
- Asking, on Memorial Day, What Did Our Fallen Soldiers Die For?
- What If Expressing the Rage is the Overriding Priority?
- Reality. It’s What We’ve Got to Deal With
- Why Would a Culture Make Heroes of Destructive Losers?
- Just Look at the #%!@ Evidence!
- What If Expressing the Rage is the Overriding Priority?
- A Most Disturbing Place
- School Names and the Place of the Confederacy in People’s Identity
- The CHEATER: The Takeaway, for Americans, of Trump’s New York Trial
- Our Stories Teach Us, “Don’t Give Up”
- Of At Least Two Minds
- What Men Have Lost in Relation to Women
- America’s Serious Supreme Court Problem
- Wise Use of Substances that Alter Experience
- Will the American Victory in the Cold War Be Reversed?
- How Much Do Human Needs Shape the Human World
- The Remarkable Transformation of an American Political Party
- Sermon on the Mount
- Indirectly, the Constitution Shows Us What It Protects Us From
- The Underappreciated Genius of Donald Trump
- My Deep Interest in Movie Stars
- The Destructiveness of Demonization, On View Now
- How Our Market System Generates a Dangerous Form of Greed
- Newton and Shakespeare, and the Two Dimensions of the Human Good
- The Chosen Species
- What It Means that Culture Builds Upon Itself
- Dark Forces Rising in the World’s Great Religions
- What Makes People Vulnerable to Lies
- How Are We to Think of Human Nature?
- The Virtues and Vices of Patriotism
- From the More Superficial Battle to the More Fundamental
- Invasives: Upsetting Nature’s Order
- The Pursuit of Happiness: More than a Right
- The Wreckage that Unbridled Selfishness Wreaks on the World
- Today’s Supreme Court: An American Crisis
- When History Seems Governed by Chance
- Let’s Stop Saying America is “Polarized”
- The Market as a “Power System”
- My Passion for Justice
- “Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Mad”
- Accepting the Reality of Limits
- Why Do We Take Pleasure in BEAUTY?
- How the Debt Ceiling Crisis Reveals the Dynamics of the Larger American Crisis
- Why the Trump Rape Trial Now Looks More IMPORTANT to Me Than It Did
- The Folly of “Those who can’t, teach.”
- Improving Our Democracy—the Electoral College
- How Movies Shaped How I See the World
- The Coming Moral Test for the Republican Base
- Why Is Human Sexuality Beset by Complications?
- Still Passionately Pro-Democracy
- The Blessings and the Curses of Breakthrough Technologies
- Why Has Democracy Declined Worldwide in Recent Years?
- What Makes People Vulnerable to Lies?
- How Would Christians Want Their Children Taught Their History?
- What Was the Confederacy About?
- The Right of Secession
- The Vital Importance of the Coming Showdown
- Who’d Kill for Money?
- Blown with the Wind
- Not Seeing the Danger Rising
- A View at the Spiritual Level
- Abortion and the Constitution
- “Which is Worse, Ignorance or Apathy?”
- Why Liberal America Has Been Weak in Protecting the Nation
- What is the Power of the Truth?
- The Battle Between Democracy and Fascism
- Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls
- Our Samenesses, and Our Differences
- Radio Shows that Would Be Impossible Now
- Who Will Wield Power?
- By Their Fruits Shall Ye Know Them: The Saga of the Big Lie
- How Did the Republican Party Come to This?
- The Role of Changing “Moral Orders” in America’s Crisis
- Symptoms of the Disease
- The Deeper Meaning of the Facebook Scandal
- The GOP: False “Friend” of Anti-Abortion Americans
- The Correlation Between Race and Party in the South
- Before You Fist-Bump about that Texas Abortion Ban
- The Absurd – and Ugly — Denial of Racism
- When Events Dispel Our Illusions
- Signs of a Need to Hate
- The Next Battlefield in the War Over Democracy’s Survival
- One Could See this Test Was Coming
- The Lie as a Tool in the Toolbox of Evil
- Will American Democracy Survive the Election of 2020 (from Aug. 2020, looks prescient now)
- Ugly Truth Laid Bare
- A Kind of Craziness
- The Republicans’ Dangerous Delegitimization of Democratic Presidents
- Surprised by History
- Troubled and Troubling Notions of “Liberty”
- Brothers’ Keeper, Revisited
- Pandemic and Climate Change: Two of a Kind
- Good Leadership on the Pandemic Should Have Been Easy
- Nostalgia for the World We Knew
- Unrequited Hate Across Our Political Divide
- Integrity vs. Brokenness in the American Electorate
- “Love Thine Enemies” Marks a Powerful Path
- On Impeachment, Who are the Partisans and Who the Patriots?
- “Love Thine Enemies” Marks a Powerful Path
- How We Come to Our Beliefs
- Monster-in-Chief
- America’s “Hate Thine Enemies” Moment
- The Mystery of Republican Loyalty
- When Evil Rises Among a People
- Through the Prism of World War II (Can America Rise to This Occasion?)
- In Praise of Escapism
- Is the Spirit of Enmity the Solution to the Mystery?
- To the Conservatives Who Hate Me
- When The Most “Religious” Align with the Least Moral: A Tale of Two Nations
- If Betraying the Nation Won’t Do It, Nothing Will
- There’s No Escaping the Need for Good Judgment
- What If an Asteroid Were Bearing Down on Earth?
- Is Rational Argument Worthless?
- Wanting to Love the Broken in a Broken Time
- Persisting in a Mistake is No Virtue
- The View from Trump World
- Mistaking Things for Their Opposites
- Rural Areas Are Red, Cities Are Blue—Why Is That?
- The Republicans’ Relationship with the Future
- How Can People Believe the Unbelievable?
- What Happened to Those Conservative Patriots?
- Don’t Choose Hatred
- “Freedom of Religion” Can’t Mean Imposing One’s Religion on Others
- A Party of Cheaters
- That Which Unites/Divides Us
- Talk One Way, Walk the Other: The Epidemic of Hypocrisy in Conservative America
- Deep Divisions Among the American People
- The Cult of Personality and the Danger to America
- Dangerous Steps Backward for Humankind
- How Far Would Trump Go If He Could?
- The Gulf in the GOP between the Leadership and the Base
- Obstacles to the Sacred Space of Lovers
- People Who Are Different from ‘Us’ (My Latest Challenge to the Conservatives)
- Clues Today’s Republicans Somehow Ignore (My Latest Challenge to the Conservatives)
- When Good People Support Bad Politics
- Wrong About the Power of the Truth? (My Latest Challenge to the Conservatives)
- Who Cares About Justice? (My Latest Challenge to My Republican Neighbors)
- The Best of Times, the Worst of Times
- Response to a Right-Wing Troll: My Challenge to the Republicans
- What Does It Take to Get It About Climate Change?
- How Will People Handle the Truth?
- Questions for Republican Voters
- Our Inherent Uncertainty About the Future
- America Must Address Its Problem with the Trump 37%
- The Rising Up of the American People
- Why Is Our Commander-in-Chief AWOL On Russia? (Message to Trump Supporters)
- Democracy on the Ropes?
- Trying to Understand My Countrymen
- America’s Role in International Order and, Now, Disorder
- Serving the Few, Conning the Many (The M.O. of the G.O.P.)
- If You’d Believe That….! (A message to conservatives about their credulity)
- My Nostalgia (talking to conservatives about what’s happened to America)
- How Hate Poisons the Political Well (3rd message to the conservatives about their enmity)
- “We’re Right, Everyone Else is Wrong” (2nd Part of Message to Conservatives about Their Enmity)
- If You’re Closed-Minded, Don’t Read This (first in a series challenging conservative enmity toward liberals)